Tune up – Day 9

Information – Gnosis

We wonder what the reason is that so many Christians stand in judgment, so legalistic over others rather than experiencing them through the eyes of love. One of the reasons is that we are an information society; knowledge and information have become synonymous in our culture.

We hear or read something and we think we know it. We hear the preacher say that we are to take thoughts captive, and we think we know how to do it because we have heard the words, but what does it really mean to take a thought captive?

Gnosis is one of the Greek words for “knowledge.” This kind of knowledge, gnosis, is our English word for “information.” Information is the starting point of obtaining wisdom, and of course, we need it to move along in our understanding, growth, and development. However, gnosis alone produces arrogance and legalism, which will be done away with.

Pride and arrogance:
1 Corinthians 8:1 – “Now, concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge (gnosis). Knowledge (gnosis) makes arrogant, but love edifies.”

Legalism and condemnation:
Luke 11:52 – “Woe to you lawyers, you have taken away the key of gnosis . . .”

Matthew 23:15 – “. . . make them twice as much the son of hell as yourself.”

1 Corinthians 8:11 – “For through your knowledge (gnosis) he who is weak is ruined, the brother for whose sake Christ died.”

Gnosis will be done away with:
1 Corinthians 13:8 – “. . . if there is knowledge (gnosis), it will be done away. Notice that this is talking about the Word here. When the Word resides in a person only as information, it will be done away with!”

If knowledge/information remains only as information, it actually begins to anesthetize and consequently, hardens the heart. Information does not produce transformation! Do you know the Word? Is it only information or is it intimate, associated, experiential knowledge?

Tomorrow we will discuss a better way of knowing—epignosis.

The Word of God is alive and powerful!

Training Your Brain Exercise – What does it really mean?

Have you heard a sermon on “taking your thoughts captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5)? Well, think about it. What does it really mean? How do you take thoughts captive? What is a thought? Do you really have knowledge of what this verse means? We hear things, and we think we know things. Start asking some questions. Dig deeper. Become a detective of your mind and of the true knowledge of God’s Word.

Decide: Is God’s Word only information for you or is it intimate, associated, experiential knowledge?

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